Are you prepared for a crisis?
The first step in preparing for a crisis is performing an internal audit of your current situation. We've developed a simple checklist to help you measure your level of preparedness: you can be green, yellow, or red.
Consider our 5-point checklist as the foundation to build your crisis communications program. Answer honestly, and if you are worried about your results, don't be! We are here to help.
1. My organization has an effective Crisis Communications Plan.
An effective Crisis Communications Plan (CCP) is easy for anyone to understand and use, and focuses on how to get things done instead of what. More than anything a CCP should be a usable, up to date reference guide to support those providing crisis response.
2. My organization has trained media spokespersons.
A media spokesperson needs to be prepared in a time of crisis, and should have completed media training on camera in advance. This will ensure they have hands-on practice so they are calm and confident delivering key messages when representing your organization.
3. My organization understands the role of public information in a crisis or emergency.
The way you communicate to the public in an emergency is the yardstick by which they will measure the success of your reponse. Timely and accurate information in a crisis could save lives and even enhance your reputation.
4. My organization has a policy and plan for using social media in a crisis.
We no longer have the option on whether we "do" social media or not. The question is, how well are we doing it and are we prepared to be using our social media feeds in a crisis or emergency?
5. My organization conducts crisis exercises or simulations to better the preparedness of our communications team.
Crisis communications is considered a niche skill within the profession of Public Relations. Today's communicators need to understand how to adopt the crisis mindset to serve in an emergency. Regular tabletop training exercises that include the CCP will increase the confidence and preparedness of your team.
So how did you do?
Having completed this checklist, we hope you are more aware of the preparedness of your organization.
If you have answered YES to all of these questions, way to go, you are green!
If you're somewhere in the middle, or yellow, we are here to assist you in developing the areas that need improving.
If you said NO to all of these questions, you are in the red zone. Keep calm and contact us!